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Chamber Signature Events

Our most highlighted events of the Year!

see below for more!

Scholarship Golf Tournament

One of the Chamber's biggest fundraisers is our annual golf tournament. It's a day full of sunshine (mostly!) and fresh air while we have some fun, eat great food, and hope to win one of the many incredible raffle prizes donated by our generous member companies. The proceeds of this event and other events during the year are used to support the Scholarship Program, Career Exploration Day, ship welcome receptions for the Armed Forces Committee, and other worthwhile Chamber programs.

Annual Business Person of the Year Gala

The Business Person of the Year Gala is our signature event to both install our new Board of Directors and celebrate all that our business leaders achieved in the year.  Considerations for Business Person of the Year (BPOY) include the nominee’s community involvement and contributions, support for local workforce, and active participation in the Chamber.


The Chamber also presents three new awards, as of 2019, to honor other organizations/businesses in our chamber membership and community.  These awards include: Chamber Business of the Year, Small Business of the Year, and Non Profit of the Year.


The BPOY Gala is a celebration to start the year strong with lively music, fun, and celebration for all our Chamber members provide for our economy and our people. Proceeds of the evening will directly support the programs and activities of the Chamber, such as its annual scholarships, educational workshops, and employment training seminars.


2022 Business Person of the Year

John Jay Santos, Triple J Saipan, Inc.


Corporate Challenge

Sponsorship Opportunities!

Find out how you can get involved or contribute to the goal initiatives of the Saipan Chamber of Commerce.


Don't miss out an opportunities with the Chamber for fun, education, and community.  See what's happening today!

About the Chamber!

Find out more about the Saipan Chamber Signature Programs and proceeds of our Signature Events.