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  1. 12:00pm – Call to order – ED
    1. Welcoming remarks –Chamber President, Joe Guerrero
    2. Introduction of New Member - Pacific Rim CNMI, LLC. – Keith Stewart (President)
    3. Introduction of member’s business guests
      1. Ask if there are any guests for the day who would like to be introduced.


  1. Professional Development Award – ED


  1. 12:10 – 12:30: Dr. Bobby Cruz Director of Instructional Technology & Distance Education/ Co-Director for Mental Health & Ms. Lorraine Catienza, Distance Education Manager


  1. Discuss online services and innovative uses of technology to support teaching and learning.


  1. PSS Q&A


  1. 12:35 – 12:55 NMC President: Dr. Galvin Deleon Guerrero
    1. Surviving turbulent waters, the Northern Marianas College proa has established a rich 40-year legacy of thriving in higher education, providing high quality, affordable and accessible educational programs and services for the individual and people of the Commonwealth. Building on that legacy, I am extremely excited to share with you my vision for the future of the College.


  1. NMC Q&A


  1. 1:00pm Adjournment